Freitag, 29. Februar 2008

varanasi, vormals benares, und frühstück

die letzte stadt auf unserer tour, mit anschließendem heimflug via delhi, varanasi, früher benares genannt, die heiligste stadt des hinduismus, wird sicher auch die interessanteste - in jeder beziehung, aber definitiv auch eine herausforderung an alle sinne:

[bild von]

"...Not everyone is burned at the ghats, oh no. Holy cows, children less than twelve years old and pregnant women are not burned because they are pure (in the latter case it's the baby who is pure) and the whole point of the fire is to cleanse the soul on its way to heaven; lepers and people suffering from other diseases ('People with poisons in their body' was how one chap referred to it) are also not burned, and along with the cows, children and pregnant women they're tied to a rock, rowed out into the middle of the river and dumped overboard. und gleich nützliche tipps dazu, 'how to survive india':

"...One of the biggest mistakes you can make when visiting a country like India is to try to apply your own set of values to society. Hard though it seems to be for some westerners to believe, Indians don't live by our rules, they live by their own, and this is probably responsible for the most discord between travellers and Indians...."

einblicke ins indische leben, in die kultur und das leben, interessantest zu lesen, ein reisebericht aus 1998 von mark moxon, echt lesenswert !!!